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They say necessity is the mother of invention.

That’s exactly how PayZoom got its start as a merchant service provider. From an industry that seems to be grounded in mendacity, PayZoom started by setting the bar in payment processing for merchant service providers everywhere.

Interchange-Plus Pricing

Visa, MasterCard and Discover all have set payment processing fees for each industry, and those fees are passed through to every industry type. Whether you own a retail store, restaurant, property management company, utility company or work through a government agency, the payment processing fees are the same for every processor, from the largest to the smallest. 

Even though we’re not the largest merchant service provider in the world, we can offer these electronic payment processing rates wholesale to you; that’s why we’re the preferred merchant service provider for major universities, restaurant chains and sporting venues all across the Southeast.

Regardless of merchant size, we offer Interchange-Plus pricing for your electronic payment processing because its fair. Period.

PCI Compliance

As a top merchant service provider, all our electronic payment processing platforms are PCI-compliant. We take the burden of PCI compliance off you! We ensure that all our merchants have filled out their SAQ each year; those that need a quarterly scan receive it automatically

Many of our competitors use scare tactics to convince merchants to buy terminals they dont need. At PayZoom, we examine your payment processing system and how you store cardholder data, and then make educated recommendations.

We even offer PCI ‘insurance,’ because no business is completely immune to a data breach; all we can do is lower our risk factors and stay up-to-date on new risks that pop up each day. In the unlikely event of a data breach, we’ll be right by your side to help you through remediation.

PayZoom's Commitment to Merchants and Entrepreneurs

1. To Help Merchants and Entrepreneurs and To Never Do Harm

  • We are committed to provide solutions that equip and empower Entrepreneurs. Our heart and focus is always for the business owner to succeed. After all—it’s the business owner that forages new paths, innovates and is the foundation of our economy. We champion the courage that it takes to step out and start a new business! We commit to doing anything and everything we can to help our clients. Our success is built and measured on our client’s long-term success.
  • Our goal is to give radically amazing customer service. We want to go beyond what’s expected. We aim to deliver more than what is expected! Think Ritz Carlton white glove service! That’s our aim every single day.

2. To Never Charge an Early Termination Fee

  • Our aim is to serve and earn our clients’ business every single day. If we fail at that, then we don’t deserve their business. We don’t use long-term contracts with penalties if you close your business or your business falls off a little bit. There are several Merchant Services Providers that charge a flat fee for processing which is great in your Fat months but a really bad deal if you have slow months or are seasonal.

3. Transparency in our Pricing Model

  • At PayZoom we are committed to transparency in our pricing. We clearly show every fee we charge to our clients at the start of the relationship so there are no surprises. Typically, we give our merchants Interchange-Plus Pricing, so our fee above Interchange is easily distinguished. We also offer a copy of Interchange to each client and but it can be downloaded for free from each of the card brands:
    Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.

4. For Interchange-Plus merchants—To Never Increase our Rates Above Interchange

  • Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express all have their own published rates and fees. These fees are set and non-negotiable for merchants doing less than 2M transactions per year. All processors pay the same Interchange fees and therefore it is the foundation for all merchant-level pricing. For our clients that are on an Interchange-Plus pricing model—which is the vast majority of them, the fees we establish ABOVE Interchange at the time of the application will never increase! That’s our promise. That’s our guarantee and we stand by it.
  • Unfortunately, that’s not how most of our competitors think. There are a few good companies out there that won’t increase rates above Interchange, but the vast majority of Merchant Service Providers will systematically raise rates in order to enhance the profitability of their portfolio. Before you choose a credit card processor, ask the question: “How long are these rates guaranteed?” You’ll
    probably hear a few guffaws and wheezing. Now, we don’t want you to give anyone heart palpitations so for everyone’s health… Just call PayZoom!

5. To Help Merchants Maintain their PCI Compliance

  • PCI Compliance isn’t currently mandated, but it should be. Most processors leave the puzzle of compliance to their customers and walk away. Why? Because if their customers were PCI Compliant and go through a data breach, they must go through remediation with them and typically are on the hook for the first $100K of fines and penalties. So, it’s typical to see merchants and entrepreneurs left
    alone to nativate their own PCI Compliance.
  • That’s not how we do things at PayZoom. First, all of our agents are professionally trained and understand the different levels of PCI Compliance. We help our clients walk through their SQL and give them important high-level training on what it takes for them to be compliant for their quarterly scans as well as their annual SQL. PCI Compliance is too important. A data breach can be financially devastating to an entrepreneur. The average fine that WE HAVE SEEN from Visa and the Card Brands for a data breach is well north of $200,000. For most, a $200,000 fine would be financially crippling and for some it would be at least a significant bump in the road. We take compliance to the next level. We sell only PCI Compliant software and POS systems, we remind our clients on the anniversary of their SQL and help them through that process to ensure that their PCI Compliance isn’t forgotten or left undone.
  • We’ll focus on your credit card processing so you can focus on your business!

6. Salary Professional Account Executives

  • Did you know that there is no license needed to sell Merchant Services? There’s not and in our opinion—that needs to change. However, until it does, know that ALL of our agents at PayZoom are professionally trained and are salary-based employees. We don’t outsource our sales force and our agents aren’t starving to make a commission, so they won’t sell something you don’t need. If people make all the difference in a company, then rest assured, we invest in our people and we believe that our agents are the best of the best. All of our agents receive:
    • Competitive Base Salary
    • Performance Bonuses
    • Health & Dental Insurance
    • Pension Plan
    • Regimented Training Program
    • Cell Phone Allowance
    • Car Allowance or Company Car
  • The two greatest attributes of our agents are empathy and great communication skills. We believe those two ingredients are foundational for success in our industry and we hire only the elite.

7. To Never Sell Proprietary Software or POS Systems

  • Selling proprietary software or POS Systems has become the new norm in the credit card processing industry however, most merchants have no idea that they are signing up for system that only allows one vendor that can ultimately set the price at whatever they choose for credit card processing. We see merchants paying exorbitant fees under this model. There’s a reason that monopolies are illegal and when a merchant signs up with a software or POS company that only allows one credit card processor—they are likely in store for a bumpy ride. Their fees will constantly and regularly go up and the vendor knows that the merchant can do nothing about it unless they want to expend the capital to buy a whole new system. Caveat Emptor! If you’re about to purchase a POS System, the first
    thing you should ask is “Is this system proprietary?”. If it is, run!