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Water for Life

When you choose PayZoom as your merchant service provider, you’re helping us bring clean water to people all over the world. Through our Water for Life program, we partner with a charity organization that builds wells and cisterns for villages and towns that have none. Access to clean water means life for the people we help: clean drinking water, irrigation for crops, and the means to sanitize utensils and medical instruments.

Teen Challenge

Alabama Adult & Teen Challenge in Bay Minette, Alabama is an adult addiction recovery program.  This one-year program has amazing success in transforming the lives of men in addiction through the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.  The Bible calls Jesus “The Counselor” and “The Prince of Peace”.  About 75% of the men who leave Alabama Adult & Teen Challenge are still living sober after five years!  No other addiction recovery program compares. 

The program is free to the men living in the center.  The only requirement is a one-time intake fee.  Please call the Center today if you or a loved-one needs help recovering from addiction:  251.580.0091

YWAM Rwanda

Methode Kimanze runs the YWAM Rwanda Center.  God has completely transformed the people in the surrounding villages.  Through clean water provided by partner, Water for Life, they are able to have a Medical Center, a school, a restaurant, and adult learning centers that help local Rwandans create sustainable gardens, and other food resources. 

YWAM Rwanda also has an HIV+ Women’s Center that houses over 300 women.  Several years ago, Water for Life created for these women a filtration system that would filter their water down to .02 microns, rather than the normal filtration system, which only filtered down to .2 microns.  The women’s center was averaging about a 33% mortality rate each year before Water for Life and YWAM Rwanda partnered together on this project.  The next year, instead of losing almost 100 women, they only lost 7. 

Clean water, a place to live, healthy food, and the Good News of Jesus Christ has completely transformed these women’s lives. 

PayZoom is a proud sponsor of YWAM Rwanda, and has been for 10+ years. 

Loxley Barn Ministry

In Fall of 2023, Kelly Dowell launched the Loxley Barn Ministry with a vision to reach the men of Baldwin County for Christ.  They feed almost 300 men a huge ribeye steak on the third Tuesday of each month.  There is never a charge for the meal, and Kelly doesn’t allow anyone to ask for donations.  Since launching the Barn Ministry, almost 100 men have given their life to Christ, and many more do so each and every month.  Every Saturday at 8am, a Loxley Barn Ministry discipleship class has begun for men who want to learn more about their newfound faith in Jesus, or to deepen their walk with God.  The Loxley Barn Ministry is already a huge success in Baldwin County, and PayZoom is proud to sponsor this monthly event. 

Rural Revival Ministries

Evangelist and Revivalist, Pastor Daniel McGehee is a man on fire!  He goes from town to town across the US, preaching the Gospel, giving away toys to kids, paying utility bills for the poor, feeding the hungry, taking young men fishing, and sometimes even giving away cars!  In 2023, Daniel and his team led almost 100,000 men, women, and children to Christ through his vision and ministry, Rural Revival Ministries.  Daniel is an incredible leader, is humble, and is also a good friend.  He is one of the men I most admire.  PayZoom is honored to support his ministry. 

Team 419 Outdoors

Daniel McGehee is a professional sport fisherman that wins almost every tournament he enters.  But he doesn’t do it for the money.  He does it to help spread The Gospel of Jesus Christ to the fishing community.  He holds free fishing lessons for young people, gives away lures, and teaches or preaches the Gospel everywhere he goes.  PayZoom is honored to be a sponsor of Team 419 Outdoors. 

Open Doors

Open Doors is a ministry that gets the Word of God into places where the Bible is illegal.  This is an incredible ministry with a mission to get unchurched countries the powerful Word of God.  PayZoom is honored to sponsor the Open Doors ministry. 

The Falcon House

In 2022, the founder of PayZoom, Nate Roulston, saw a need for housing for the men who were coming out of the local Teen Challenge center.  Nate purchased a home in Baldwin County, Alabama and started the first “Falcon House”.  The Falcon House is a transition home where men can get on their feet.  They pay no rent until they find a job.  There are no expensive security deposits, or fees to enter.  The men apply, can stay as long as they want, and if they leave without finding a job, they owe nothing.  The Falcon House is fully furnished with Internet, a large back yard, BBQ grill, Play Station, Basketball goal, and more. 

The men that live there are required to take a monthly drug test, and a daily breathalyzer.  “Love is demonstrated through accountability” says founder, Nate Roulston.  The men that live there receive discounts for attending church each Sunday and joining a small group. 

Falcon House members are also encouraged to give back to their community by joining in on Community Outreach projects.  So far, they have fed over 2000 meals to homeless veterans, and rebuilt a roof for a veteran in need.